The "Not Raising Hogs" business
The 'I Hate Barney' Song
The 'Off' Switch
'Twas the Newt Before Christmas
101 Things NOT TO SAY During Sex
The 12 days of technology before Christmas
30 Signs That Technology Has Taken Over Your Life
45 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Women
46 Things that Never Happen in Star Trek
50 Fun Things to Do in an Elevator
50 Ways to Confuse Your Roommate
56 Ways to get rid of a blind date
The absolute worst things to say to a police officer
The AC new hire song
Actual Church Bulletins
Actual excuse notes from parents
Actual Headlines
Ads translated into other languages
Airline Terminology
Al Gore to Fly on Shuttle
Alchohol at work
Algebraic Socioeconomics
All I need to know about life I learned from Star Trek
Allegedly Genuine Extracts from Letters Sent to Landlord
An amazing quiz
The Amazing Windows 4.0
American sex laws currently on the books
Amusing irrelevent facts
Ancient indian wisdom
Answers to 5 of the toughest questions women ask
Answers to why the chicken crossed the road
Apollo Mission Software
Application for Kentucky citizenship
Archaeologist decyphers symbols
Ascii Macarena
Assorted Star Trek jokes
Astrological signs for the workplace
AT&T: Getting even with telemarketing
Avoid Foul Language! - enrich your diction with these tips
Babies leave hospital with correct parents
Babylon 5 Meets Star Trek: The Next Generation
Bad kitty
Bad-ass kangaroos
Barney = Satan?
Bart's Blackboard Quotations
The Battle of the Bobbit Hillbillies
Being an evil overload
Best Fruit Cake Recipe Ever
The Best of the Worst Country-Western Song Titles
Better evolution through beer
Big Balls
BIG Lies
Bill Gates = the Devil???
Bill Gates to Take Control of Java
The Bill of No Rights
A boneheaded way to promote public transit
Book review of 'The Cat in the Hat'
Books Stan Geisel (Cat in the Hat) Never Wrote
Borg vs Windows
Brand name condoms
Bread a health hazard?
Breaking Sesame Street News!
Built-in Orderly Organized Knowledge (BOOK) Device
Business slogans translated into other languages
C Code Run
Caramel apple costume
Cartoon Laws of Physics
Charge numbers for miscellaneous unproductive time
Christmas folklore
Christmas Party Ratings
Cigarette condom
The Clinton Body Count
Clinton deploys vowels to Bosnia
Clinton's testimony, as told by Dr Suess
A cog in the corporate machine
College Essay Answer
The College Food Chain
Compilation of every "warning" email
Computer source code for DNA
Confusius's sayings on sex
Consultant's dilemma
Consulting joke
Consumer Reports Report on Girlfriends
Corporate Boat Race
Corporate cliches
A couple of blonde jokes
Cow metaphors for government
A Cowboy's Guide To Life
Critical look at Schubert's Unfinished Symphony
Dan Quayle Quotes
Dear Bank Manager, ...
Dear Santa, Slap Martha
Delay of the First Atomic Bomb Test (true story)
Dictionary of Useful Research Phrases
The Dieter's Guide to Weight Loss During Sex
The difference between Mick Jagger and a Scottsman
The differences between engineers, scientists, and mathematicians
The differences between love, lust, and marriage
Differences between men and women
Diversity Training Class
Do-it-yourself country & Western Song Kit
Doe Ray Me Drink
Doughboy Dead at 71
Downsizing English
Dr. Seuss' lesser-known books
Drinking troubleshooting guide
Drunk driving on the Information Highway
Drunk priest on a pulpit
Dysfunctional Christmas carols
Edgar Allen Poe meets the IBM Clone - soon to be a major motion picture.
Election Form for the contestants of the 1996 Indian General Elections
Elvis compared to Jesus
Email RE: Office xmas party
The Empire Strikes Back reveiw
Emptying eighteen bottles of whiskey
Engineers Explained
An engineers solution
England's response to the Declaration of Independenc
English 44A - Creative writing
Etch-A-Sketch Tech Support
Ethics test from hell
Events Nominated for Olympic Snowboarding
Evil Overlord's minions guide
Exercise for the nonathletic
Experts Warn of Threat From 100GB Bug
Exploding pet rat
FAA stories
The fairer sex?
Fart Jokes
Fast food application
FBI agents at a psychiatric hospital
Felix the flying frog: A management parable
Figgy pudding
Fire at the soabox derby
The Flight Instructor
Forbidden license plates
Forest growth outbreak
Fragile mystic
French religion
A frustrated tax payer writes the IRS
Funny signs
Gates' mail to Linux developer
Geek speak
Genesis: In the beginning the Project Manager...
Getting even with the cabbie
Getting even with the IRS
Gifts for men
Girl's Guide to Geek Guys
Girlfriend 1.0
Git yer haggis here!
Glossary for research papers
God vs. The Government
God's battle with a computer
God's Total Quality Management Questionnaire
Golf buddies
Goodbye luncheon memo
The GOODTIMES virus mutates
Grandpa in 2060
Guide to safe fax
H.A.L. isn't IBM compatible
Haiku error messages
Hand over the money
Happy Fun Ball
Hard of Hearing
Home economics, or Politics make strange bedfellows
Homeless woman goes public
Honk If You Love Jesus
Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide
House to Downsize Solar System
How different professions would hunt elephants
How Military Specs Live Forever
How NOT to dispose of a whale
How Software Companies Die -by Orson Scott Card
How the Gingrinch Stole Christmas
How the Gingrinch Stole Congress
How the Grinch stole our vision of perfect objects
How the rich stay rich
How to argue effectively
How to cope with job stress
How to Hire a Programmer
How To Install Software
How to interpret software development status
How to kill a snake
How to Make $75 Grand
How to ride the train for free
How to Simulate US Navy Shipboard in your life
How to start your own Silicon Valley firm
Huns, nuns, and baseball
The husband's snails
Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis
I Came Upon a Roadkill Deer
I did it for you all
I'd give anything
If airlines sold paint
If architects had to work like computer systems designers
If car maker names were really acronyms
If computer companies made toasters
If HAL had a Pentium chip
If Microsoft was headquartered in Georgia
If Operating Systems were Airlines
In the beginning was the Plan
In-flight announcements
The Indian and The Ventriloquist
Insider trading
Instant-win airbag
Intelligence test
Is there a santa clause: a mathematical proof
Java haiku
Jay Leno: Erie Similarities Between Abraham Lincoln and Bob Packwood
Job hunting language
John Glenn secret
Just won the lottery
Justice Department to Break Up Bill Gates
The KGB has its uses
Knitting In Church
Last 10 things any man/woman would ever say
Last Person without Windows 95
Law Violators So Dumb it's Criminal
Laws of Love
Leap Year Internet Shutdown
Lesser known elements on the periodic table
Lessons for corporate life
Lessons learned from children
Letter from college student to her parents
Letter from the Bill Clinton Statue Committee
A letter of recommendation
Letter to 'Rich Bastards' at a bank
Letters From Husband & Wife
Life in prison vs. a full time job - A comparison
Life in the 1500's
Longest time on hold?
The lucky frog
Mail scam alert
The Mailman's Last Day
The major angsts of software testing
Management Review of Writing Style
Management speak
Management styles
Managerium: The heaviest element known to science
Mars Air Force Denies Stories of UFO Crash
Martha Stewart's 1997 Calendar
Mathematician jokes
Matsushita English
McDonnell Douglas military aircraft registration form
Measuring height with a barometer
Men & Women
Men in action
Men's Guide to Women's Language
Merger mania
Michael Jordan's Salary
Microsoft (MSFT) Announces New CD_ROM Software to Aid Consumers In Suing Itself
Microsoft = "The Matrix"?
Microsoft acquires "Higher Source"
Microsoft bathroom graffiti
Microsoft buys 1995
Microsoft Releases 'Joe-Bob'(tm)
Microsoft Tests Nuclear Device At Secret Hanford Facility
Microsoft trademarks the name 'Bob'
Microsoft's 12 steps to burnout prevention and recovery
Millennium Pie
Mink coat
Mission to Mars
Modern-day cherry tree
Mommy & Uncle Frank
Mouse balls
The Movie Cliches List
Mr. Gay's problems on USAir
Murphey's Laws of Combat
Murphy's Laws for Frequent Flyers
My keyboard
The national address President Clinton should have given
The Navy's Organizational Structure
Nerdity Test
The new 'smart' home
Newest risk to computer programmers
Nicknames and euphemisms for breasts
The Night Before Impeachmas
Nightmares on Main Street
Nine types of boyfriends and girlfriends
Normisms (from 'Cheers')
Not a morning person
Not So Common C Declarations
Notice notice
Objects in Mir
Obscene Night Before Christmas
Ode to Spam
An office prayer
Oh God, I'm An Ocean Buoy
The OJ Trial, as told by Dr Seuss
OJ's internet address
The old man from Minsk
One hell of a headache
One smart lawyer
Opposite Sex Seminars
The original virus
Parody of $10,000 pyramid
A particularly bad way to die
Pentium bug jokes
The Perfect Couple
The perfect day according to He and She
Pesky bugs
Phantom Menace Script (abridged)
Pickup Lines
A plan for the improvement of English spelling
Politically correct genders
Politically Correct Guide to the NFL
Politically Correct Night Before Christmas
Politically Correct UNIX commands
Poorly Translated Slogans
Poorly worded classified ads
Post-merger names
Prank on eBay
Pre-relationship agreement
Problems with a bank teller
Problems with Bob Dole's name in the foreign press
Product warnings for black holes
Proper care of floppies
Proxy fathers
Pseudo-deep Thoughts
The Psychiatric Emergencies Hotline
Psychic humor
Psychologically embarassing
Public assistance letters
Quack science theories or inventions
Questions about the English language
Questions asked by tourists
Quick thinking electrical engineer
The quirks of English
Quotes on Computers
Radio station pranks
Radio station prank
Realistic owners manual
Reasons why Star Wars characters would kick butt in the Start Trek universe
Recently discovered computer viruses
Recommendations for People with Dubious Qualifications
Recruiting letter and response
Reflections on college
Reflections on Programming
Regulations for hunting attorneys
Rejection Lines Given By Men & Women (and what they actually mean...)
Republican PBS
Resume bloopers
Resume for God
Retire Aged Personnel Early (RAPE) program
Rita Rudner's 50 facts about men
The Rules For 'Bedroom Golf'
Rules for 1950's wifes
Rules for being successful in software development
Rules for Women (According to Men)
Rules for Work
Rules of the lab
Rules that guys wish women new
Rules To Be A Man
Santa Claus is coming to Unix
Schedule for the new Fall 1999 TV season
Scoring points
Second opinion
Sentient meat
Seven Annoying Film Conventions
The Seven Dwarfs and a Nun
Sex Nuts Posting on an Open Wire
Sexually suggestive Star Wars
Shoot yourself in the foot with computer operating systems
Shoot yourself in the foot with various programming languages
Signs as Seen in Foreign Countries
Signs you've had too much of the 90's
Similarities between Rush L. & Barney
Similarities between Santa Claus and system administrators
Similarities between the Enterprise 1701-D and the Love Boat
Snappy comeback
The Software Schism
Some amazing anagrams
Some interesting year-end statistics from "Computerworld" magazine
Some Relationship Definitions
Some thoughts on the Western calendar
Some Unusual Questions For Internet World Attendees
Sonnet for Nothing
Source code for 'Hello World'?
Special High Intensity Training
Spin-doctoring the Ariane 5 launch
Spot the typo
Spring courses at Our Lady of Great Misery
The Star Fleet Programmer's Style Guide
Star Trek Insurrection: Hype Sinks
Star Trek meets Hitchikers Guide
Star Trek: The Next Generation Drinking Game
Sticky piano key
StoneAge 'Ken' doll?
Stories from a travel agent
Story about Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody
The Story About Ping
Story of an induhvidual
Stress relief method
Student science bloopers
Stupid local laws
Stupid people
Stupid signs
Style invitational
Subliminal barney
Suicide, Accident or Homicide?
Supermodel quotes
Survival of the fittest M&Ms
Swearing at the Computer
System problem report
Taking up a collection for OJ
Team leadership
Telecom job
Telecom Merger Mania
The Ten Commandments of Java
There's a fly in my Guinness
The Thing King
Things my mother taught me
Things that sound dirty at Thanksgiving, but aren't
Things to say if caught sleeping at work
Things you learn about computers in the movies
Things you'd love to say at work, but can't!
Those Dallas Cowboys
Throwing Their Brains Out the Window
The Toddler Diet
Top 10 Bumperstickers on the Enterprise
Top 10 Favorite Activities of Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Top 10 Lines You'll Never Hear on 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
Top 10 reasons computers are male, compilers are female
The Top 10 Reasons Trick-or-Treating is Better than Sex
Top 10 Signs the New Mir Computer is Running Windows 95
Top 10 similarities between baby Gates and her father's products
Top 10 Subtle Differences Between Grad School and Hell
Top 10 things you'll never hear a man/woman say
The Top 14 ways things would be different if Microsoft built cars.
Top 162 condom slogans
Top 20 Children's Books Not Recommended By the National Library Assoc.
Top 20 Engineers' Terminologies
Top 20 Surprise Plot Twists on 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
Top 20 Uses for Data's Detached Head
Top 25 Reasons Why Picard is Better than Kirk
Top 9 Fun Things to do Aboard the Enterprise
Top One Hundred Reasons Why Captain Kirk is Better Than Captain Picard
Top5 Bugs in Windows 2000
Tough exam with answers
Tough Product Disclaimer
Training courses for men
Trapped in the Net: A poem
The trees
True life support calls
The truth about cats and dogs
Trying to avoid the tree
Twas the Night before Star Trek...
The Twelve Bugs of Christmas
Twelve Letters of Christmas (version 1)
Twelve Letters of Christmas (version 2)
Two Digits for a Date
Two Good Halloween Costumes
Understanding engineers
Undocumented Windows Errors
A United Airlines passenger
Unix and C Language Hoax
A unix poem
Unix shell tricks
Unusual employment interviews
The Upside of Y2K
Vax vs IBM
Very short books
Visitors' questions at national parks
The VooDoo Dick
Warm beer
Watch your English
Ways bicycles are better than women
Ways chocolate is better than sex
Ways to scare people in the computer room/lab
Weird Soccor Story
What cultural generation are you?
What Developers say vs what they mean
What If Dr. Seuss Did Technical Writing?
What if Kansas was a theory?
What if the GM help phone line were like a computer help phone line?
What is a Cat/Dog?
What not to name your dog
What REALLY happened on Scooby Doo
What's the command?
When Hell freezes over
When men were boys and boys were stupid
When you think you're having a bad day, remember this poor guy
Who Created Chaos
Who is God?
Why ask why?
Why Email Is Like a Penis
Why God never received tenure at any university
Why it's great to be a guy
William Safire's Rules for Writers
Win 95 Book of Revelations
Winners of a worst analogies contest
A Womans guide to Men's language
The World According to Student Bloopers
World Telephone Cultures
The X-Mas Files
Xerox brand lie detector
Y Zero K problem
Y2K Readiness
Year 2000 Memo Announcement
Yo momma jokes
You Are Rich, Brother William
You know you're a manager when...
You know you've been a consultant for too long when...
You may be an engineer....
You might be a redneck Jedi if...
You might be an Engineer if...
You might be considered a red-neck if...
You might be from Seattle if you...