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What Developers say vs what they mean
What Developers say What Developers mean
------------------- --------------------
1) Essentially complete It's half done
2) Schedule exposure It slipped three weeks ago
3) We predict We hope to God
4) Screen design is lagging Not a single screen exists
5) Risk is high but acceptable 100 to 1 odds; or, with 10 times
the budget and 10 times the
people, we stand a 50/50 chance
6) Potential show stopper The team has updated their resumes
7) Serious but not insurmountable It'll take a miracle
8) Basic agreement has been The &%$#@'s won't even talk to us
9) Results are being quantified We're massaging the numbers so
that they will agree with our
10) Task force to review 7 people who are incompetent at
their regular jobs have been
loaned to the project
11) Not well defined Nobody's even thought about it
12) Still scoping the requirements See answer to number 11.
13) Not well understood Now that we've thought about it,
we don't want to think about it
14) Requires further analysis Totally out of control
and management attention
15) Results are encouraging Power-on produced no smoke