-> Humor collection -> Real Life

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Humor files for category 'Real Life'
The 'Off' Switch
Actual Church Bulletins
Actual excuse notes from parents
Actual Headlines
Ads translated into other languages
Airline Terminology
Allegedly Genuine Extracts from Letters Sent to Landlord
American sex laws currently on the books
Amusing irrelevent facts
Apollo Mission Software
The Best of the Worst Country-Western Song Titles
Big Balls
BIG Lies
A boneheaded way to promote public transit
College Essay Answer
Delay of the First Atomic Bomb Test (true story)
Drunk driving on the Information Highway
Exploding pet rat
FBI agents at a psychiatric hospital
Getting even with the IRS
Git yer haggis here!
Hand over the money
How Military Specs Live Forever
How NOT to dispose of a whale
Law Violators So Dumb it's Criminal
Letter to 'Rich Bastards' at a bank
Life in the 1500's
Longest time on hold?
Matsushita English
Measuring height with a barometer
Michael Jordan's Salary
Mr. Gay's problems on USAir
Problems with Bob Dole's name in the foreign press
Questions asked by tourists
Quick thinking electrical engineer
Quotes on Computers
Radio station pranks
Resume bloopers
Some thoughts on the Western calendar
Source code for 'Hello World'?
Sticky piano key
Stories from a travel agent
Story of an induhvidual
Student science bloopers
Stupid local laws
Stupid people
Stupid signs
Suicide, Accident or Homicide?
Supermodel quotes
Survival of the fittest M&Ms
Swearing at the Computer
Throwing Their Brains Out the Window
Tough Product Disclaimer
True life support calls
Two Good Halloween Costumes
A United Airlines passenger
Unusual employment interviews
Vax vs IBM
Visitors' questions at national parks
Weird Soccor Story
When you think you're having a bad day, remember this poor guy
The World According to Student Bloopers
World Telephone Cultures
Xerox brand lie detector -> Humor collection -> Real Life