-> Humor collection -> Stupidity

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Humor files for category 'Stupidity'
The 'Off' Switch
The absolute worst things to say to a police officer
Allegedly Genuine Extracts from Letters Sent to Landlord
Application for Kentucky citizenship
Being an evil overload
A boneheaded way to promote public transit
Bread a health hazard?
A couple of blonde jokes
Dan Quayle Quotes
Hand over the money
Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide
How NOT to dispose of a whale
Law Violators So Dumb it's Criminal
A letter of recommendation
My keyboard
The new 'smart' home
One hell of a headache
Poorly worded classified ads
The Psychiatric Emergencies Hotline
Public assistance letters
Questions asked by tourists
Realistic owners manual
StoneAge 'Ken' doll?
Stories from a travel agent
Story of an induhvidual
Stupid local laws
Stupid people
Stupid signs
Supermodel quotes
True life support calls
Trying to avoid the tree
A United Airlines passenger
Unusual employment interviews
Visitors' questions at national parks
What if the GM help phone line were like a computer help phone line?
The World According to Student Bloopers
Xerox brand lie detector
You might be considered a red-neck if... -> Humor collection -> Stupidity