Turn off fluorescent lights when not in use

Below is the second half of a Vermont Agency of Natural Resources article.  You may want to read the first half of the article if you're interested in a bit of history on flourescent lights. 

Many people continue to believe that it takes significantly more electricity to turn on a
fluorescent lamp than to operate the lamp for long periods. Modern fluorescent lamps, however,
use little starting energy. Turning them off actually helps them last longer and lowers lighting
energy costs. Researchers at the U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory have found that a
fluorescent lamp

Catching ID thieves yourself

Here's a fascinating blog post by "Ovid" on how he caught his ID thieves in only a couple of hours. They had racked up a few thousand dollars of charges on his credit card. Maybe Ovid should be a detective, although he did get a couple of lucky breaks. Of course, the credit card companies would never have held him responsible, but it must feel good to personally catch the bad guys. His story is also being discussed on this Slashdot thread.

A PPU (Physics Processing Unit) Card

The first generation of PPU cards are coming to market. Anandtech is reporting on the PhysX PPU card from AGEIA.
Just like GPU cards which added 2D graphics acceleration and later 3D, PPU cards will accelerate physics (no pun intended :-) calculations. Software developers can use the PPU cards to do much better physics simulations without running out of processing power in the CPU.