YouTube parodies: Fun with generative AI

Two creators on YouTube (YT) that I follow (and support) are Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell) and CGPGrey. I stumbled across this fan made parody, "Every Kurzgesagt Video Ever". In the description on the parody video, the author jokingly wrote, "I'm coming for you next CGPGrey".

Which got me to thinking, I wonder how good generative AI would be at writing the script for a parody of CGPGrey? Here's the same prompt I used for all of them:

Write a script in the style of Youtube creator CGPGrey, that is a a parody of CGPGrey videos.

A couple of them did a pretty good job, one not so much. I've linked their responses, and at the end of this post is a complete copy of each response.

I tried Google's Bard first, because YT is part of Google. Bard's first answer was this script for "The Unnecessary Number of Fonts". I asked for another, and it came up with a script for "The Surprisingly Efficient Inefficiency of Bureaucracy". I think the bureaucracy one better captured CGPGrey's style. Here is a link to the short chat with both scripts. (see also below for a copy of the scripts)

Next I tried OpenAI's ChatGPT. Here is its script about "the fascinating world of imaginary countries" (see also below for a copy of the script). In most ways this was better than Bard's attempt. The script was written for "CGPFAKE", and included textual descriptions of suggested animations. But it did not provide a title, so a minor ding on that.

Next I tried Microsoft's Bing Chat. I used the "More creative" option. Here is its script for "What is the best way to eat a pizza?" (see also below for a copy of the script). Kind of bland, doesn't really capture the style of CGPGrey.

Finally I tried, which uses GPT-3 model. Interestingly it responded, "I'm sorry but I can't fulfill this request.". They must have some kind of block against using this to generate "in the style of" requests?

Read on for the complete scripts for all of the above …

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Grand Mesa

In July we camped in Grand Mesa National Forest.

Red-tailed hawk

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A computer built out of dominoes?

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Hearst Castle, CA

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Paso Robles, CA

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