Two creators on YouTube (YT) that I follow (and support) are Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell) and CGPGrey. I stumbled across this fan made parody, "Every Kurzgesagt Video Ever". In the description on the parody video, the author jokingly wrote, "I'm coming for you next CGPGrey".
Which got me to thinking, I wonder how good generative AI would be at writing the script for a parody of CGPGrey? Here's the same prompt I used for all of them:
Write a script in the style of Youtube creator CGPGrey, that is a a parody of CGPGrey videos.
A couple of them did a pretty good job, one not so much. I've linked their responses, and at the end of this post is a complete copy of each response.
I tried Google's Bard first, because YT is part of Google. Bard's first answer was this script for "The Unnecessary Number of Fonts". I asked for another, and it came up with a script for "The Surprisingly Efficient Inefficiency of Bureaucracy". I think the bureaucracy one better captured CGPGrey's style. Here is a link to the short chat with both scripts. (see also below for a copy of the scripts)
Next I tried OpenAI's ChatGPT. Here is its script about "the fascinating world of imaginary countries" (see also below for a copy of the script). In most ways this was better than Bard's attempt. The script was written for "CGPFAKE", and included textual descriptions of suggested animations. But it did not provide a title, so a minor ding on that.
Next I tried Microsoft's Bing Chat. I used the "More creative" option. Here is its script for "What is the best way to eat a pizza?" (see also below for a copy of the script). Kind of bland, doesn't really capture the style of CGPGrey.
Finally I tried, which uses GPT-3 model. Interestingly it responded, "I'm sorry but I can't fulfill this request.". They must have some kind of block against using this to generate "in the style of" requests?
Read on for the complete scripts for all of the above …
The Unnecessary Number of Fonts (a parody of CGPGrey, by Google Bard)
Title: The Unnecessary Number of Fonts
CGPGrey: (Sitting in his signature chair, facing the camera)
Hello, Internet. Today, we're going to talk about something that's probably been bothering you for years: the sheer number of fonts available.
I mean, seriously, how many fonts do we really need? There are over 100,000 fonts out there, and that number is only growing. And sure, some of them are pretty cool. But do we really need a font called "Zapfino Linc"? Or "Comic Sans"? Or "Papyrus"?
I mean, come on. Papyrus is literally the worst font ever. It's like someone tried to make a font that looks like it was written by a child with a crayon. And yet, it's everywhere. I see it on posters, on websites, even on clothing.
I'm not saying that we should ban all fonts except for Arial and Times New Roman. (Though that would be a good start.) But I do think we need to be more selective about the fonts we use.
After all, fonts can have a big impact on how we perceive a message. For example, a study found that people are more likely to trust a message written in a serif font, such as Times New Roman, than a message written in a sans-serif font, such as Arial.
So, next time you're choosing a font, ask yourself: is this font really necessary? Or am I just using it because it's the first one that popped up on my list?
And if you're ever in doubt, just go with Arial. It's always a safe choice.
The Surprisingly Efficient Inefficiency of Bureaucracy (a parody of CGPGrey, by Google Bard)
Title: The Surprisingly Efficient Inefficiency of Bureaucracy
CGPGrey: (Sitting in his signature chair, facing the camera)
Greetings, fellow procrastinators. Today, we delve into the paradoxical world of bureaucracy, where efficiency and inefficiency coexist in a delicate dance of paperwork and red tape.
Bureaucracy, often maligned as a bastion of sluggishness and inefficiency, holds an unexpected secret: it's surprisingly efficient. Let me explain.
Picture a vast, sprawling organization, like a government agency or a multinational corporation. Within this labyrinth of offices and cubicles, a complex network of rules, procedures, and approvals governs every decision, from ordering office supplies to launching multi-million dollar projects.
Now, on the surface, this system appears to be a recipe for stagnation. Every decision must be meticulously scrutinized, every form filled out in triplicate, and every signature obtained before anything can move forward. It's a process that could make a sloth look like a speed demon.
But here's the thing: this seemingly inefficient system actually serves a purpose. It acts as a giant filter, weeding out impulsive decisions, preventing costly mistakes, and ensuring that everything is done according to the established rules.
In a world where every action has a consequence, every decision a ripple effect, bureaucracy provides a much-needed safety net. It's a system designed to minimize risk and maximize stability, even if it means sacrificing a bit of speed.
Of course, there's a fine line between efficiency and inefficiency. Overly bureaucratic organizations can become so bogged down in paperwork that they become paralyzed, unable to adapt to changing circumstances or respond to emergencies.
The key, then, is to find that sweet spot, that delicate balance between order and flexibility. It's a balancing act that many organizations struggle to master.
So, the next time you find yourself frustrated by the bureaucratic maze, remember: there's a method to the madness. It's a system designed to protect us from ourselves, to ensure that our decisions are well-considered and our actions have minimal unintended consequences.
And hey, if it means a few extra forms to fill out, isn't that a small price to pay for a world that's a little less chaotic?
A script about the fascinating world of imaginary countries (a parody of CGPGrey, by ChatGPT)
CGPFAKE: Hello Internet! I'm CGPFAKE, and today we're going to explore a topic that's so incredibly mundane, you'll wonder why you clicked on this video in the first place. But fear not, because by the end of this video, you'll have a newfound appreciation for the ordinary!
[ANIMATION: Generic map of a fictional country]
CGPFAKE: So, let's dive right into the fascinating world of imaginary countries. You see, when it comes to creating your own nation, there are some key elements you need to consider. First, you'll want to pick a location. I suggest somewhere completely arbitrary, like the middle of the ocean or on top of Mount Everest. Trust me, it'll make your country stand out.
[ANIMATION: Cartoonish flags popping up]
CGPFAKE: Now, let's talk flags. A proper imaginary country needs a flag that's both complex and confusing. Remember, the more colors and symbols, the better. And don't forget to throw in a few random animals and geometric shapes. It's essential for maintaining that air of mystery.
[ANIMATION: Fast-paced footage of typing on a keyboard]
CGPFAKE: Of course, every imaginary country needs a constitution. But who has time for that? Just mash together some legal jargon, add a few outdated references, and voila! You've got yourself a constitution that nobody will ever bother reading.
[ANIMATION: Montage of CGPFAKE flipping through pages of a fake constitution]
CGPFAKE: Now, let's discuss the national currency. I recommend using something utterly impractical, like seashells or leaves. It's a surefire way to confuse tourists and economists alike.
[ANIMATION: Cartoonish tourists scratching their heads]
CGPFAKE: And don't forget to establish your imaginary country's national sport. May I suggest extreme ironing? It combines the thrill of extreme sports with the excitement of household chores. It's a win-win!
[ANIMATION: Over-the-top action shots of extreme ironing]
CGPFAKE: Lastly, let's address the matter of diplomacy. To maintain international relations, send strongly worded letters to real countries, demanding their recognition of your imaginary nation. It may not work, but hey, at least you tried.
[ANIMATION: CGPFAKE writing a letter with exaggerated seriousness]
CGPFAKE: And there you have it, folks! The essential guide to creating your very own imaginary country. Remember, the key is to be as absurd and nonsensical as possible. Now, go forth and build the nation of your dreams—or, more likely, of your nightmares.
CGPFAKE: If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share it with your imaginary friends. And as always, stay fake, Internet!
What is the Best Way to Eat Pizza? (a parody of CGPGrey, by Bing Chat)
Hello Internet, I'm CGPGrey. In this video, we're going to talk about the most important question of our time: What is the best way to eat a pizza?
Pizza is a delicious dish that originated in Italy, but has since spread all over the world. It consists of a round, flat base of dough topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various other ingredients, baked in an oven. Pizza is usually cut into slices, which are then eaten by hand or with a fork and knife.
But how should you eat a pizza slice? There are many opinions on this matter, and some of them are more controversial than others. Let's examine some of the most common methods and their pros and cons.
The first method is the classic fold. This involves folding the pizza slice in half along the crust, creating a sort of sandwich. This way, you can fit more pizza in your mouth, and prevent the toppings from falling off. However, some people argue that this method ruins the texture and flavor of the pizza, and makes it too greasy and soggy.
The second method is the tip bite. This involves biting the tip of the pizza slice, and then working your way towards the crust. This way, you can enjoy the pizza as it was intended, and savor each bite. However, some people argue that this method is messy and inefficient, and exposes you to the risk of burning your tongue or mouth with hot cheese or sauce.
The third method is the crust first. This involves eating the crust of the pizza slice first, and then moving on to the rest of the slice. This way, you can get rid of the boring part of the pizza, and save the best for last. However, some people argue that this method is disrespectful and wasteful, and that the crust is an essential part of the pizza experience.
The fourth method is the upside down. This involves flipping the pizza slice upside down, and eating it from the crust to the tip. This way, you can get more flavor from the toppings, and avoid the soggy bottom. However, some people argue that this method is unnatural and absurd, and that it defies the laws of physics and common sense.
So, which method is the best? Well, that depends on your personal preference, and the type of pizza you're eating. There is no definitive answer to this question, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The only way to find out is to try them all, and see for yourself.
But whatever you do, don't use a knife and fork. That's just wrong.
Thank you for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please like, share, and subscribe. And if you want to support me and get access to exclusive content, you can join me on Patreon. Until next time, remember: The pizza is a lie.